discorb run

This command will run a client.


discorb run [options] [script]



The script to run. Defaults to main.rb. If the script wasn't specified, it will also look for a file named main.rb in the parent directories, like rake.


-t, --title

The title of the process.

-l, --log-level

Specify the log level. Should be one of the following:

  • none
  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • fatal

-f, --log-file

Specify the file to write logs to. You can use stdout to write to the standard output, and stderr to write to the standard error.

-c, --[no-]log-color

Whether to colorize the log output. If not specified, the default will be:

  • true if the file to write logs to is stdout or stderr.
  • false otherwise.

-s, --setup

Whether to set up application commands.

-e, --env

The name of the environment variable to use for token, or just -t or --token for intractive prompt.