Class: Discorb::Message::Flag
Represents message flag.
Flag fields
Field | Value |
`1 << 0` | `:crossposted` |
`1 << 1` | `:crosspost` |
`1 << 2` | `:supress_embeds` |
`1 << 3` | `:source_message_deleted` |
`1 << 4` | `:urgent` |
`1 << 5` | `:has_thread` |
`1 << 6` | `:ephemeral` |
`1 << 7` | `:loading` |
`1 << 8` | `:failed_to_mention_some_roles_in_thread` |
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Flag
Method Summary
Methods inherited from Flag
#&, #-, #^, from_keys, #initialize, #inspect, max_value, #method_missing, #respond_to_missing?, #to_i, #|, #~
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Discorb::Flag
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Discorb::Flag